Design on A Dime: Kitchen Makeover
Rustoleum Cabinet Transformations in Pure White
Well, people I took the plunge and painted my cabinets. Up close you can tell I'm an average painter (lol) But for the most part I think they look a whole lot better.
If you are thinking about doing this let me give you a few TIPS:
- Buy wood or something to prop up your cabinets when you paint them. Don't be an idiot and lay a blanket with fuzzies over a ping pong table and think that that's a
goodidea. is not! (I made this mistake and ended up having to do a little sanding and touch ups) - Do not cuddle with your cat and then decide it's a good idea to go outside and paint. (If you look closely you may find a cat hair permanently imprinted on a cabinet or two)
- Lastly, do NOT paint when it is 104 degrees outside. Yup, I'm the idiot who thought it would be a good idea to paint the hottest weekend of the year. But in my defense it was the last two days of my vacation and with Casey's son out of town it just made sense to start this project. I can really say that this project took a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Except I didn't cry, although the thought of going outside every time to do a layer did make me want to cry. Needless to say, I was miserable.
Now for the fun part. The Reveal :)
Here is the before:
And the After:
Since this picture we have put hardware on and it looks even better. But of course, I forgot to take that picture this morning before deciding to do this blog. But you get the point! Next step painting the counter tops! We are eventually going to get granite but I am trying to hold off on my impulsive spending habits and wait another year or so.
So would I recommend this? Yes! The kit only costs about $75 and comes with everything you need minus paint brushes and painters tape. I would say if I could do this over again I wouldn't have picked Pure White. I would have picked Linen or something a little off white because this is BRIGHT! It doesn't look awful but I think an off white may have looked a little better in person.
So if you are thinking about tackling this project plan on devoting a whole weekend to this! There is a lot of drying time between everything so I could definitely seeing this project taking a whole week if you weren't impatient like I was. But I would definitely say do it! I couldn't afford to get new cabinets and I definitely think it was an upgrade from the builder grade brown! But if you asked my Dad he'd tell you differently but then again he also thinks it's stupid when I wear a headband. So what does he know? ;)
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