
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eryday I'm stencilin

Eryday I'm Stenclin.. 

Well, not really..this was actually my first time :)

 I get all my ideas from Pinterest. I'm about as creative as a plain white wall. I wish I said I came up with any of these ideas my self, but sadly, I do not. 

So when I start these projects I never think to do a picture step by step. So unfortunately I only have one measly picture to show. Sigh, sorry people. 

So since we already have covered that my creativity level would probably be outdone by a three year old with a paint set here is where I stole the idea :) 

Isn't that pretty! 

Side note: Have you ever looked at how much stencils run these days? I think I'm in the wrong business because every where I looked stencils were running from $20-50 

But of course I won't even spend $20 to get my oil changed on time (irrelevant but true) I was determined to do this for much cheaper. 

Here is what I ended up with:
(I do still love the inspiration picture a whole lot better, but I think this will due) 

The silver paint is from Home Depot and ran me about $5.48 for a small thing of it. 

The stencil I got from Home Depot. I had a much larger stencil in my hand which I thought might give it a similar effect as the inspiration photo but this design was similar to the fabric I wanted to use to make a valance in the kitchen. (Spoiler alert- that is my next project!) Anyways, the stencil was around 6.99 but of course I had a coupon. And now that you know of coupon (if you didn't already) never buy anything again without using this coupon. It is always the same *40% off* 

Hobby Lobby Coupon

The back of the stencil said to use spray on adhesive. But don't waste your money. It worked for like one paint job. I just used painters tape on the corners. It worked much better. 

I screwed up like 7 times. What's great about this Martha Stewart paint is that it easily wipes off with water. I scrubbed off a whole stencil after I didn't space it right and you couldn't even tell. You know what else is great about this- The paint dries pretty fast so that I could easily go down the wall without messing up the one before. 

I was pretty impressed with myself. The boys in my household thought it was cool, so that's always a win.  

Alright, onto to the next project!

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