The laundry room in our house is very spacious! But the vinyl in them is awful. It is also the same vinyl in our bathrooms but I'm patiently waiting for the paycheck to redo the whole bathrooms. It is awful. The house is 19 years old and I'm betting there were there from the get-go.
But anywho- if you are like me you skip to the pictures :)
I forgot to take a before picture. *Sigh* I always get too excited to start a project I don't want to take the time to find my phone after I realized I already spilled the guts of the project on the floor.
So here is my "before"
The floor was stained (Notice the blue spot that was an OOPS! FYI don't put a went paint roller on a grocery bag. The grocery bag does nothing to stop it from getting to the floors apparently.. Who woulda known? But, either way it was awful before.
So insert my friend Angela. She did peel and stick tiles to her whole kitchen and the difference was amazing. I probably would have never known about these (even though I spend hours of my time in Lowes walking around for "fun" haha)
For 68 cents a sq can't lose! Well unless you are awful at it.. then you might lose. I wasn't allowed to do the cutting around the edges but Casey was pretty good at it. Thank God for men right ;)
Here's me doing the easy part
The easy part literally took like 10 minutes..the hard part was trying to cut to size.
I would try and give you tips but you will learn as you go and figure out the best way to do it for you.
We used
- a measuring tape
- a ruler
- a utility knife
- and a dry erase marker (helped make marks that could easily be wiped off after)
I would recommend using a ruler to get a straight edge. And then you snap the tile where the cut is. It is that easy! Unless you are dealing with some stupid edges. Then I would recommend grabbing a beer and get ready for some patience. Casey I think was about to strangle me after about 20 minutes of trying to get the right cut on one of them.
But let's skip to the end result!
I'm so proud I constantly find myself heading to the laundry room to flip the switch and stare. Notice the beer on the washer- I'm going to recommend that as a good tool to also add to your tool list. Normally it would be a nice glass of Moscato but Octoberfest just came out by Sam Adams and I couldn't pass it up.
They offer the tiles in many colors. Here are the four I was debating from
I was favoring the last one but I needed Casey to help me and he liked the grey and sometimes you just need to go with the man's choice so he feels like he is a part of it! (oh he is going to kill me when he reads this lol)
I like the end result so I'm okay with it :)
They also offer this peel and stick tile in a "hardwood"
I should add that these tiles are textured so they feel like more of the real deal. Also you have the option to grout these so they look more real. I probably wouldn't suggest doing this to the hardwood but you get my point. I loveeeed the second one from the top. I'm thinking that will be in my bathroom with a nice brown vanity when I eventually get to my redo.
But anyways, another project in the books. Hopefully for the better! I would say so! Saying I <3 DIY would be an understatement! I love doing these projects. I might end up single because I may be a little obsessive about these projects but fingers crossed he says because he is a good one :) Bless his heart!
Yay floors!