
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Because I don't do average.

Well if you are a Facebook friend you already know that I painted this door a while ago.. oh this door and I fought.

Let's just say I could win an award for the world's worst painter. But Casey was at work and I had too much time on my hands at work. So I decided- on a whim I might add- to paint my door. It was a barf ugly green door. I don't know whoever decided to pick out that color but they shouldn't have. So out with the old in with the new.

(Sorry about the wreath picture- for some reason all of my pictures disappeared and well this was me doing my best to try and find the pictures again)

The color is Full Sun by Valspar

Now really.. I want to know who thought it was a good idea to paint this door barf green? Maybe it just isn't for me and someone might say that about my yellow door.. but hey, I like it. Here are some tips for the bad painters out there attempting this project. Be patient. I lack that on all levels and this is why the door and I fought. To go from green to yellow was obviously going to take some coats. I did coat one and it was bad (but it was smooth) Let the paint dry for a good amount of time before you go on to the next coat. I just kept going. I was determined to get that door yellow.. I think that's where I messed up. After time it started getting clumpy and runny and awful. I had a mental break down. I took many wet paper towels and started wiping off the paint. I didn't know what else to do. This door was about to be garbage. Well after about a roll of paper towel on the floor I got most of the paint off. 

And then I waited.. (which I should have done in the first place) 

Needless to say WAIT people. This is an easy project, just not a quick one. The next day I did one more coat to even out what I had wiped off and this is what I got. I'm pretty proud of the color. If you have been in my house you know I like colors on the bright side. It isn't every one's cup of tea but I like it and I live there. 

On that note, have a bright and sunny day :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Slackin.. looks like this is going to most likely end up like my twitter account- inactive. I just can't figure it out. Everyone has such pretty blogs and I have your joe schmoe of one. Oh well maybe some day.

Last night I stained wood for the first time. Let me start off with saying I am the worst painter in the world. But this I could do. I googled and googled how to do this but let me tell you this is pretty easy. I didn't have to sand the wood very much because I was talked into buying stain grade wood ($$$- I'm an easy sell lol) so that was nice. After the first coat the can said to wait 4-6 hours between coats but I have the  patience of a 2 year old. So I once again went back to google and someone said just wait 10 minutes and go for the second coat. So I did- and well it turned out just fine. So anyone else out there staining for the first time I can let you know if you too have the patience of a small child my project turned out okay. I did wait a whole night before I used the clear top coat. 

Anywho- now on to the bragging. This is the first big pinterest project I have taken on. We already had a Kitchen Island we bought from Target. Here's me putting it together back in November.

Well after some time we realized our itty bitty kitchen needed some more counter space. So insert Pinterest which led me to this They took a average kitchen island and turned it into this! Beautiful. And I thought- hey maybe I could do that!

 So here is my attempt! I didn't use a butcher block (which in hindsight probably would have cost me the same in the long run) Instead I took 5 stain grade pine and rigged up my own countertop. (Also a pinterest DIY post) <-- It must have been there lucky day because they got wood for 50 cents and it cost me $20! Sigh..

 Here is my pre-stain beauty..

And here is post stain... (still wet I should add)

I clearly need to take a better picture. But I was really proud of this thing I couldn't wait to post it. Casey and I did a fine job if I can say so myself. Now time to paint the Kitchen cabinets white (Yikes) And hopefully talk Casey into letting me take off that ugly backsplash! (He hates me I'm sure of it)